Why Your Doors Need Paint Stripping?
Applying fresh paint on your existing doors will make them look new and trying a different colour will provide a fresh appearance. However, applying the new paint over the existing one will not deliver you the desired result. You need to follow a certain procedure before that to obtain a satisfying result.
First, you should strip your doors to get rid of the existing paint, layers of dust, dirt and stains. The process will also help you to remove the damaged layers of wooden doors which probably look dull and unsightly because of regular wear and tear.
Why Paint Stripping is Necessary?
Stripping is necessary to avoid a few common issues that typically arise when you use new paint over the old one. These issues are;
1. Peeling
2. Chipping
3. Bubbling
What is the Procedure?
In general, door stripping involves the use of chemicals. Some companies use a hot tank stripping system. This method is proved to be highly effective and time-saving too. The process is trusted for its efficient results. The item which you wish to be stripped should be dipped into the tank. The solution then removes the surface coatings to reveal the original state.
Your door is ready for a brand new finish or paint of your choice. It will match that renovated or improved look of your house.
Why Shouldn’t You Try This on Your Own?
Door stripping may sound easy, but it is not. All though you can watch a lot of tutorial videos online on how to strip your doors to give it a new and refreshed look the fact is the job demands proficiency and skills.
1. The right knowledge about stripping chemicals
2. The right products
3. Correct information about the process
4. Understand the difference between various types of doors
5. Patience and time in hand
6. Hire the Experts
The right thing to do to avoid hassles is hiring an experienced and trained door stripping company. They will check the condition of the doors. Next, they will strip them and leave your door with its new look.
At PJ Pine, we offer the most reliable door stripping solutions within your budget. Please get in touch with us for more information.